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NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “Translation,Language and Literature” (NCTLL)-2013

NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “Translation,Language and Literature” (NCTLL- 2013) was organised by the Transltion Research Group of Departmentof English on 26th and 27th October, 2013. The Confernece focused its theme related to the Multicultural class room: Role of Language Teache;rs in Integrating Human values and Social Concerns Trhough Technical Education. Dr. S Jaya Raju, Head Deparat of Phonetics And Spoken English, EFL University, Hyderbad delivered his key note address stressing the need of translation, Languge and literature in a Multicultural Society and Multiple Englishes and their choices and chances. Prof R Saraswathi (Retd), Dept of English, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur expressed her views during the conference while justifying the theme by suggesting that the concern of the governemnt ot make highter education socially relevant in this aspect. Prof K Venkata Reddy, Sri Krishna Deva Raya University, Anantapur said in his plinary talk aiming at driving home the strategies for humanizing engineering education, the need of the hour, through amulticultural approach. The conference conducted three parallel sessions giving ample scope to the Researach Scholars to express their views regarding the theme of the conference. 38 Scholars from 10 states including various universities in and around Andhra Pradesh presented their Research Papers and had a thorough debate on various issued related to the theme. At the end, Dr. M Latha, convenor of the Conference expressed her deep sense of gratitude to the Hon’ble President, Vice President and University Authorities for giving their encouragment and kind support in organising the confernece.

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