Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

(Deemed to be University)

Statutory Committees and Cells

Statutory Committees and Cells               Submisson of Student,Faculty & Staff Grievances

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in a university serves as a vital mechanism for addressing and resolving complaints related to sexual harassment and discrimination within the campus community. Comprised of members trained in handling such issues sensitively and impartially, the ICC ensures a safe and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff by investigating complaints, providing support to survivors, and implementing necessary disciplinary actions against perpetrators. Its overarching purpose is to foster a culture of respect, equality, and accountability, thereby upholding the university's commitment to promoting a conducive learning and working environment free from harassment and discrimination.


  1. The ICC serves as a formal channel for individuals to report incidents of sexual harassment, discrimination, or other forms of misconduct within the university.
  2. The committee is responsible for conducting thorough and unbiased investigations into reported complaints, adhering to established procedures and principles of natural justice.
  3. The ICC aims to provide support and assistance to survivors of harassment or discrimination, ensuring their well-being and access to necessary resources such as counseling or legal assistance.
  4. Through educational initiatives and awareness campaigns, the committee works to inform the university community about their rights and responsibilities regarding harassment and discrimination, as well as strategies for prevention.
  5. Upon substantiation of complaints, the ICC takes appropriate disciplinary or corrective actions against perpetrators, aiming to deter future occurrences and uphold accountability.
  6. The committee ensures that the university's policies and procedures related to harassment and discrimination align with legal requirements and best practices, and it may recommend updates or revisions as necessary.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The roles and responsibilities of an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in a university encompass a range of duties aimed at addressing and preventing instances of harassment, discrimination, and misconduct within the campus community. Some of the key roles and responsibilities include:

  1. The ICC is responsible for receiving complaints related to sexual harassment, discrimination, or any other form of misconduct from students, faculty, or staff. It conducts prompt, thorough, and impartial investigations into these complaints, ensuring confidentiality and procedural fairness throughout the process.
  2. The committee offers support and assistance to individuals who have experienced harassment or discrimination, ensuring access to counseling, legal guidance, or other forms of support as needed. It prioritizes the well-being and safety of complainants throughout the investigation and resolution process.
  3. The ICC plays a proactive role in raising awareness about issues of harassment, discrimination, and misconduct within the university community. It organizes training sessions, workshops, and awareness campaigns to educate students, faculty, and staff about their rights, responsibilities, and the university's policies and procedures related to these issues.
  4. The committee collaborates with university administrators to develop and implement policies and procedures that promote a safe, respectful, and inclusive campus environment. It ensures that these policies comply with relevant laws and regulations and are effectively communicated to all members of the university community.
  5. Upon substantiation of complaints, the ICC recommends appropriate disciplinary actions against perpetrators, which may include warnings, reprimands, suspension, termination, or other measures. It ensures that these actions are proportionate to the severity of the misconduct and serve as deterrents against future violations.
  6. The committee monitors the implementation of its recommendations and the effectiveness of preventive measures to address harassment and discrimination on campus. It prepares periodic reports documenting its activities, findings, and recommendations for university leadership and relevant stakeholders.
  7. The ICC upholds the confidentiality of all parties involved in complaints and investigations, ensuring the privacy and dignity of complainants and respondents. It maintains the integrity of the investigative process by adhering to established procedures and principles of natural justice.
  8. Policy


    Meeting Minutes

    internal Compliant Awareness

In a university setting, the purpose of a grievance redressal committee is to provide a formal and effective mechanism for students and faculty to address and resolve grievances or complaints related to academic matters, campus facilities, administrative issues, discrimination, harassment, or any other concerns affecting their experience within the university. This committee serves as a neutral platform where grievances can be submitted, investigated objectively, and resolved fairly. By offering this avenue for redressal, universities demonstrate their commitment to promoting a supportive and conducive academic environment, ensuring that issues are addressed promptly and transparently. The grievance redressal committee in a university plays a vital role in maintaining student and faculty satisfaction, enhancing the overall quality of education and campus life, and upholding the values of fairness and integrity within the academic community.


The objectives of a grievance redressal committee in a university typically include:

  1. The committee aims to provide a fair and impartial platform for students, faculty, and staff to address and resolve grievances related to academic, administrative, or personal matters within the university.
  2. One of the key objectives is to ensure transparency in the handling of grievances, including the process of submitting complaints, conducting investigations, and arriving at resolutions.
  3. The committee works to promote accountability within the university by holding individuals or departments responsible for addressing grievances in a timely and effective
  4. By addressing and resolving grievances promptly, the committee contributes to fostering a positive and conducive campus environment that supports the overall well-being and satisfaction of students, faculty, and staff.
  5. Another objective is to prevent the escalation of issues by providing an avenue for early intervention and resolution of conflicts or concerns before they adversely impact individuals or the university community.
  6. The committee plays a role in upholding the values of fairness, equity, and respect within the university community by ensuring that grievances are handled in accordance with established policies and principles.
  7. Through the feedback received from grievances, the committee may identify areas for improvement in institutional processes, policies, or practices, leading to enhanced effectiveness and efficiency across various aspects of university operations.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The roles and responsibilities of a grievance redressal committee in a university encompass several key functions aimed at addressing and resolving grievances fairly and effectively. Here are the typical roles and responsibilities:

  1. The committee is responsible for receiving grievances or complaints from students, faculty, or staff members regarding academic, administrative, or personal issues within the university.
  2. Upon receiving a grievance, the committee reviews the complaint carefully to understand the nature of the issue, the parties involved, and the desired resolution.
  3. The committee conducts impartial and thorough investigations into the grievances raised, which may involve gathering evidence, interviewing relevant parties, and assessing the situation objectively.
  4. Ensuring confidentiality of the grievance proceedings and protecting the privacy of individuals involved in the complaint process.
  5. Offering guidance and support to individuals submitting grievances, helping them understand
  6. Facilitating mediation or negotiation between parties to reach a mutually acceptable resolution whenever possible, aiming to resolve grievances informally and amicably.
  7. Based on the findings of the investigation, the committee formulates recommendations for resolving the grievance, which may include corrective actions, policy changes, or other measures to address underlying issues.
  8. Communicating the committee's decisions and recommendations to the concerned parties in a clear and timely manner, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the process.
  9. Following up on the implementation of recommended actions or resolutions to ensure that grievances are effectively addressed and that necessary changes are implemented.
  10. Maintaining accurate records of grievances received, investigations conducted, decisions made, and actions taken, and preparing periodic reports summarizing the committee's activities and outcomes.
  11. Promoting awareness of grievance redressal procedures and mechanisms among the university community to encourage proactive resolution of issues and enhance overall transparency.
  12. Continuously assessing and improving grievance redressal processes and procedures based on feedback and experiences to enhance effectiveness and fairness.



Meeting Minutes

Awareness Program

The purpose of an anti-ragging committee in a university is to uphold the safety, well-being, and dignity of students by implementing and enforcing policies aimed at preventing any form of harassment, abuse, or intimidation within the campus environment. Through education, awareness campaigns, and prompt intervention, the committee strives to create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere conducive to learning, while also ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and legal requirements. By providing support to victims, promoting positive peer relationships, and holding perpetrators accountable, the committee plays a vital role in fostering a respectful and nurturing academic community where all individuals can thrive and fulfill their potential.


The objectives of an anti-ragging committee in a university typically include:

  1. To prevent any incidents of ragging within the university campus or affiliated institutions.
  2. To raise awareness among students, faculty, and staff about the harmful effects of ragging and the legal consequences associated with it.
  3. To ensure the effective implementation of anti-ragging policies and guidelines set by the University Grants Commission (UGC) or other regulatory bodies.
  4. To receive complaints related to ragging and take prompt action to address them in accordance with established procedures.
  5. To provide support and counseling to victims of ragging, ensuring their physical and mental well-being.
  6. To initiate disciplinary action against individuals found guilty of engaging in ragging activities, including imposing penalties as per university regulations.
  7. To collaborate with student organizations, faculty members, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to create a safe and conducive learning environment free from ragging.
  8. To continuously monitor the campus environment and evaluate the effectiveness of anti-ragging measures, making necessary adjustments as required.
  9. To advocate for a culture of respect, tolerance, and inclusivity, promoting positive interpersonal relationships among students.
  10. To ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations related to ragging prevention, including the provisions of the Anti-Ragging Act.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The roles and responsibilities of an anti-ragging committee in a university typically include:

  1. Developing and implementing comprehensive anti-ragging policies and guidelines in accordance with the directives of regulatory bodies such as the University Grants Commission (UGC) or other relevant authorities.
  2. Organizing awareness campaigns and orientation programs for students, faculty, and staff to educate them about the detrimental effects of ragging and the importance of creating a safe and respectful campus environment.
  3. Receiving complaints related to ragging from students, faculty, or staff, and ensuring that they are promptly and impartially investigated.
  4. Providing support, counseling, and assistance to victims of ragging, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being, and facilitating necessary medical or psychological help.
  5. Initiating disciplinary proceedings against individuals or groups found guilty of engaging in ragging activities, in accordance with the university's rules and regulations. This may include imposing penalties such as fines, suspension, or expulsion.
  6. Regularly monitoring the campus environment to detect any incidents of ragging or signs of potential ragging, and taking proactive measures to prevent them.
  7. Collaborating with law enforcement agencies, local authorities, and relevant stakeholders to address serious incidents of ragging and ensure legal action is taken against perpetrators.
  8. Ensuring compliance with all legal requirements related to ragging prevention, including the provisions of the Anti-Ragging Act and other applicable laws and regulations.
  9. Conducting training sessions and workshops for members of the anti-ragging committee, faculty, staff, and student representatives to enhance their knowledge and skills in handling ragging-related issues effectively.
  10. Compiling and submitting an annual report on the activities and outcomes of the anti-ragging committee to the university administration and regulatory authorities, as per prescribed guidelines.
  11. Continuously reviewing and updating anti-ragging policies and procedures based on feedback, lessons learned, and changing circumstances to enhance their effectiveness in preventing ragging on campus.



Meeting Minutes

Anti ragging awareness

The term "SC/ST category" refers to the classification of individuals belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) in a society or country. This classification is based on historical and social factors, aiming to address the systemic discrimination and socio-economic disadvantage experienced by these communities.

  1. Scheduled Castes (SC): SC refers to social groups that have historically faced severe social and economic marginalization and discrimination. They were traditionally considered "untouchable" in the caste hierarchy of certain societies. SC communities often experience socio-economic disparities, limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. Governments implement affirmative action measures, including reservations in educational institutions, government jobs, and legislative bodies, to promote the socio-economic development and representation of SC communities.
  2. Scheduled Tribes (ST): ST refers to indigenous or tribal communities that have distinct cultural identities and often inhabit remote or forested areas. ST communities have historically faced marginalization, displacement, and exploitation. They typically experience socio-economic challenges, including lack of access to education, healthcare, and basic infrastructure. Government policies aim to protect the rights and promote the development of ST communities through measures such as reservations, land rights, and tribal welfare programs.


  1. Overseeing the effective implementation of policies and programs directed at SC/ST students.
  2. Empowering students from underprivileged backgrounds within the SC/ST community.
  3. Ensuring the creation of a supportive environment where all such students feel safe and safeguarded.
  4. Furnishing guidance and assistance to SC/ST students regarding academic, financial, and social concerns, thereby promoting inclusivity on campus.
  5. Ensuring compliance with policies and initiatives mandated by the State Government, Central Government, and UGC for the advancement of SC/ST students.
  6. Providing fair opportunities for the academic progression of SC/ST students.
  7. Upholding the rights and reservations enshrined in the Indian Constitution to protect SC/ST students.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Collecting and distributing reports and information regarding directives from the Government of India and the UGC concerning SC/ST affairs.
  2. Gathering information on both SC/ST students and staff.
  3. Ensuring compliance with reservation mandates and other benefits periodically allocated to SC/ST’s
  4. Functioning as a Grievance Redressal Cell to tackle issues raised by SC/ST students and aiding them in managing academic and personal challenges effectively.
  5. Coordinating tailored opportunities to enhance the professional development of these students.
  6. Hosting programs to inform students about scholarship opportunities provided by governmental bodies and other funding channels.
  7. Engaging in efforts to raise awareness within the academic community about the obstacles related to social exclusion and the aspirations of marginalized groups.
  8. Advocating for diversity within the student body, faculty, and administrative staff, alongside efforts to eliminate perceptions of discrimination.
  9. Investigating grievances filed by SC/ST students and suggesting mutually acceptable resolutions.
  10. Developing streamlined and accessible protocols for the admission and enrollment of SC/ST students.
  11. Scheduling regular meetings to oversee the progress of diverse initiatives and programs.



Meeting Minutes

Awareness Program

Minorities refer to groups of people who possess certain characteristics or attributes that distinguish them from the majority population within a particular society or community. These characteristics can include race, ethnicity, religion, language, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation. Minorities may experience various forms of social, economic, and political marginalization due to their minority status.

Minorities often face challenges such as discrimination, prejudice, stereotyping, and unequal access to opportunities and resources compared to the dominant or majority group. These challenges can manifest in areas such as education, employment, housing, healthcare, legal rights, and representation in decision-making processes.

It's important to note that the concept of minority status is relative and context-dependent. A group considered a minority in one country or region may be part of the majority in another. Additionally, minority status can be based on numerical representation within a given population, but it can also be defined by factors such as power dynamics, historical oppression, and social disadvantage.

Minorities contribute to the diversity and richness of societies by bringing different perspectives, experiences, and talents. Efforts to promote the rights, dignity, and inclusion of minorities are essential for building more equitable and harmonious societies. These efforts often involve legal protections, affirmative action policies, awareness-raising campaigns, intercultural dialogue, and initiatives aimed at addressing systemic inequalities and fostering social cohesion.


  1. Supervising the efficient execution of policies and programs aimed at Minority students.
  2. Empowering students hailing from disadvantaged backgrounds within the Minorities community.
  3. Ensuring the establishment of a conducive environment where all such students feel secure and protected.
  4. Offering guidance and support to Minority students concerning academic, financial, and social matters, thereby fostering diversity on campus.
  5. Enforcing the implementation of policies and initiatives outlined by the State Government, Central Government, and UGC for the betterment of Minority students.
  6. Providing equitable opportunities for the academic advancement of Minority students.
  7. Guaranteeing the rights and reservations stipulated in the Indian Constitution for the safeguarding of Minority students.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Gathering and disseminating reports and information concerning directives from the Government of India and the UGC regarding Minority matters.
  2. Collecting data on both Minority students and staff members.
  3. Ensuring adherence to reservation mandates and other entitlements periodically granted to Minorities.
  4. Operating as a Grievance Redressal Cell to address concerns raised by Minority students and assist them in effectively managing academic and personal challenges during their college experience.
  5. Arranging specialized opportunities aimed at fostering the professional growth of these students.
  6. Conducting programs to educate students about scholarship schemes offered by governmental agencies and other funding sources.
  7. Undertaking efforts to raise awareness among the academic community about the challenges associated with social exclusion and the aspirations of marginalized communities.
  8. Promoting diversity among the student body, faculty, and administrative staff, while simultaneously working to eradicate perceptions of discrimination.
  9. Investigating grievances lodged by minority students and proposing mutually agreeable solutions to their issues.
  10. Developing streamlined and accessible procedures for the admission and registration of minority students.
  11. Organizing regular meetings to monitor the progress of various initiatives and schemes.



Meeting Minutes

People belonging to the OBC (non-creamy layer) category are still disadvantaged and marginalized in our society. The deprivation of dignity, identity and rights resulted in their exploitation, dehumanization and humiliation. The Indian education system seems to have been oriented only to meet the requirement of one-third of the population, ignoring the interest of the rest. Indeed, historically education was confined to certain sections of the society and did exclude large sections of the population, making it highly undemocratic in matters of access. This exclusion in education created ever expanding disparities that adversely affected the disadvantaged groups of the society. Since higher education is a tool for social and economic equality, the UGC has been addressing national concerns of access, equality, while ensuring the standard of quality and relevance of education by implementing policies of the Government of India and promoting several schemes and programmes for the disadvantaged groups that would help in eliminating social disparities. To make the present education system inclusive, an HEI should become more responsive to the needs and constraints of the disadvantaged social groups.

OBC Cell, of KLEF is established with the purpose to empower OBC students in the institute. Institute provides guidance to these students in facilitating financial support in the form of scholarship and freeship from the government. Students are also encouraged to enroll for career orientation programs, which would equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career option.


  1. To oversee the effective implementation of policies and programmes for the OBC students.
  2. To empower the students belonging to other backward communities (OBC).
  3. To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
  4. To provide guidance and counselling to OBC students with respect to academic, financial, social and other matters and to enhance the diversity within the campus.
  5. To implement policies and schemes proposed by the State Government, Central Government and UGC for the welfare of OBC students.
  6. To provide equal opportunities for the academic development of the OBC students.
  7. To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.

  1. To accumulate and circulate reports and information regarding the Government of India and the UGC orders for OBC.
  2. To collect information on OBC students and employees.
  3. To ensure compliance of the orders of reservation issued and other benefits admissible from time to time in favour of OBCs.
  4. To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of OBC students and help them manage academic and personal demands of college life effectively.
  5. To arrange special opportunities to enhance the career growth of these students.
  6. To conduct the programme for disseminating the scholarship schemes provided by governmental agencies and other sources.
  7. To make efforts to sensitize the academic community regarding the problems associated with social exclusion as well as aspirations of the marginalized communities.
  8. To enhance the diversity among the students, teaching and non-teaching staff population and at the same time eliminate the perception of discrimination.
  9. To investigate the grievances of the OBC students and suggest amicable solution to their problems.
  10. To prepare barrier free formalities/procedures for admission/ registration of OBC students.
  11. To organize periodic meetings to monitor the progress of different schemes.



Meeting Minutes

OBC Awareness

University Ombudsperson

Dr.V. Balamohandas
Former Vice-Chancellor of Acharya Nagarjuna University
Contact no: +91 98480 10187
Email ID : vbmdas@redifmail.com

Students can approach the Grievance Redressal Cell and submit their grievance in this format:

Grievance Appeal Form

Students can also submit their grievance online: 
