KL University News Letter - PANORAMA

Volume V  Issue 2

<<    Bio-Technology    Civil Engineering>>   

Computer Science and Engineering

Association Activities

Session: 1-Technical Event

Date: 18-08-2015

Venue: C 425

Timing: 3.00 P.M – 5.00 P.M

As it is mandatory for every student in CSE department to know what exactly FOCUS is? What is the mission and vision of FOCUS and also about what are the various technical as well as cultural events that are conducted by FOCUS every year and also for this present year. Hence with this aim to impart knowledge to the 2nd year as well and 3rd year students about what exactly the FOCUS means, first technical session for this academic year is conducted.

As it is known, how important are the skills of paper presentation to the engineering students and how crucial is it for the engineering student's to know the importance as well of techniques of paper presentation. Along with the orientation about FOCUS we also conducted a session on "Paper Presentation" which was taken up by Mr. A.V. Praveen Krishna.

Our session started with the warm welcome to the 2nd year students into the FOCUS body as every student in CSE is a member of FOCUS .Then we had a brief introduction about exactly what FOCUS is how important is it for every student of CSE to be a part of it and how it helps them to develop their various skills and talents, followed by a prayer song.

Next Mr. A.V. Praveen Krishna talked on the topic of "Paper Presentation for Engineering Students". Mr. A.V. Praveen Krishna has given many inputs regarding the importance of paper presentation for engineering students. As well as various techniques that help students in writing a paper, He also shared many success and inspiration stories to the students in this session which were very inspiring and motivational.

Then various video's about FOCUS were played. The various departments of FOCUS like Technical, Managerial, Cultural etc., have been introduced to the students of 2nd year by the Departmental Heads.

Last but not the least prize distribution for the winners and participants of various competitions such as Essay writing, Quiz, elocution and Poster Presentation that were held during the 'Digital India Week Celebrations'.

Extension Activities

Session : 1

Date : 23-08-2015

Venue : Z.P.H School, Kankipadu

Time :2:00 P.M to 5:00 P.M

As per the instructions of Honourable Prime Minister "Mr Narendra Modi" Digital India Week Celebrations were celebrated all over India from 20/8/2015 to 25/08/2015. Various programmes were organized in this one week like

0th July 2015 Workshop

21st July 2015 Women Entrepreneurship Cell

22nd July 2015 Technical Events (Quiz, Elocution on Digital India)

23rd July 2015 Digital India Awareness in nearby Rural Villages

24th July 2015 Technical Events (Paper Presentation on Digital India)

On 23/08/2105 about 20 members of CSE-CEA team went to Z P H School, Kankipadu. They went to create awareness among school children studying in Rural villages about the benefits of Digital India. 20 students divided into teams and went for various classes from VII to X in the school. They motivated the students on the topics like usage of Intern etc, e-learning, digital classes and Digital Locker. Digital Locker is a concept where we can store scanned copies of all certificates of an individual so that where we go we need not carry our original certificates.

<<    Bio-Technology    Civil Engineering>>   

Er. Koneru Satyanarayana

Vice - President:
Er. K.L. Havish
Er. K. Raja Harin

Dr.K. Ramamoorty

Dr.L.S.S. Reddy

Pro Vice-Chancellor:
Dr.A.V.S. Prasad

Dr. T. Uma Maheswara Rao

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email: newsletter@kluniversity.in.

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